Tag Archives: mourning dove

Hope and faith in many forms

So, taking the plunge for me to sub instead of working a normal teaching job for right now is diring me batty. I haven’t had a single call all week, and I’m starting to wonder if I made the right decision. Yet I need to keep hope and faith in what I’m doing. There are steps I can take to try and gain more ground doing the subbing thing, and I will do just that. In the meanwhile, the signs I have been receiving about all of this is awesome.

Yesterday I was blessed with seeing a wonderful variety of outdoor critters that reminded me that sometimes, as hard as things get, we must continue to work at them. Even when it seems like everything is frozen and the foraging is done, there is still more to find, more to do if you look for it.

For starters, there was the wonderful squirrel that is getting used enough to my presence that he’s no longer perturbed to see me take his picture.


There is also the wonderful mourning dove that has returned. She stayed around long enough for me to take her picture. She is a beautiful bird that I am blessed to be able to say lives around my home.

I think, currently, that the following photo is a real strong example of what I need to be reminded of. Even though there are others in the world that may seem flashier than us, we hold our own beauty and live our own lives, unafraid of the harsh treatment that those flashy ones will sometimes enact on their own kind. We need to stand our ground and wait until what makes us afraid drifts back into the night, leaving us alone to go on our own way.